It’s 1:00 am where I live– in Wisconsin, we’re on Central Time. (Ugh, Central Time… I honestly never thought I’d live somewhere where the CST of the “Tomorrow at 9 PM EST/8 PM CST” from my Cartoon Network watching days of yore would actually apply to me. But here we are!!) I was born in Michigan in 1984, on Eastern Time, somewhere around 2:00 am. This is pretty close right? (Thank goodness for scheduled posting! I’m 30 now, my bed time comes way before midnight!)
My parents tell me the night I was born was a pretty icy night. When I first learned to read, I thought I-C-Y was pronounced “icky” and that made for some really confusing road signs, but at the same time, it’s fitting. It’s an icky icy night here tonight, Mother Nature promising another 5 inches or so of the fluffy white stuff. History repeats itself, eh?
All of that was 30 years ago now and despite all the fanfare, I’m feeling quiet tonight as I welcome the big three-o. I spent my Advent for Thirty reflecting on hope, peace, joy, and love. What started as an exercise targeted toward generating blog material and a time for making jokes about turning 30 ended up being something really, really good for me. And it really did ready my heart, mind, and soul for thirty. How very advent-ageous, if you will. (Bahahahaaaahaaa! Oh, puns!)
Now it’s here. Thirty is upon us. Well, me. And some of you, no doubt. But mostly me right now. I’m looking forward to the flood of Facebook love (seriously, Facebook really makes birthdays a thousand times better, doesn’t it?!), phone calls and text messages, and some birthday cake (tomorrow and on Saturday when Seth’s parents are coming to celebrate with me!).
Tonight, we’re staying in. I’m making salmon (it’s a new recipe and I’m using dill I dried from my friend Aimie’s garden and some cabbage I froze from my mother-in-law’s! so exciting!) and we’re going to snuggle up with our pup and watch some Harry Potter. Seth got me ALL EIGHT MOVIES on BluRay for my birthday (whaaaaaaat?! you know your husband loves you when…) and I’m pretty pumped to see them on our enormous tv downstairs. On one hand, I kind of want to start with the first, but given that I won’t have enough time to watch them all tomorrow, I’m kind of tempted to start with The Goblet of Fire (that’s number four for those of you who are not Harry Potter maniacs like me) because I loved that one so much– it was so… intense! Regardless of where we start, my in-laws (and all of them conspired on this one!) got me HERMIONE’S WAND from Olivander’s Wand Shop at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter for Christmas when we were there back in October and you know I’ll be practicing during the movie. (Bob says he’s always wanted to levitate so it’s important to me to perfect that spell before they come over on Saturday to eat cake with me– it’s wingardium leviOsa not wingardium leviosA!) That’s a reasonable way to spend the day you turn 30, right?
Thanks a ton for sticking around with me for my Advent for Thirty series and for being here tonight as 30 strikes. An especially big thanks for joining in on my Whoville-style chorus of welcome 30:
Fahoo fores dahoo dores
Welcome 30, bi-irth day!

Enjoy some cake today– the calories are on me!!!
PS: I recognize that the “bi-irth day” part is a stretch. Not quite enough syllables, dang. But whatevs, it’s my birthday, I’ll do what I want!
I hope you have a great day, Rachel! Oddly enough, today is my sister Reychl’s (pronounced the same as your name) birthday! What a happy time! I will watch the Goblet of Fire in honour of today (because I am a SUPER fan of Harry Potter, and Book 4 was one of my favourites!)
Thanks, Nicole!! It was an excellent day for me and hopefully for Reychl, too!! Did you watch the Goblet of Fire?! It was soooooo good… just as I’d remembered!
Hope the day was a perfect one, dear Rachel. I remember (at 73) that the only birthday that freaked me out was the one when I turned 30. I was fairly newly married and felt as if I was crossing some wide, foreboding space. And that on the other side was “old age” and that I’d no longer be desirable. Totally bizarre! After that, 40, 50, etc, were all pieces of cake. And I hope yours was delicious! Blessings on your next year…..Margaret
Thanks so much, Margaret! It was truly a great day and it just keeps going! I’m glad to know that from this side of “old age” I’ll get continue the cake walk you experienced through every other birthday after! That’s definitely good news!!!
Happy Birthday + 1 Rachel! I hope you had a good birthday and Margaret is right…the rest of them are a “piece of cake”. I love you!
Mmmmmmm… cake…. Love you, Daddy-o!!