I have a lovely little page-a-day calendar in my office. It’s full of quotes and illustrations. Most are at least interesting, some are absolutely excellent, and some days — perfection. (Exception: it turns out I’m not in love with classic Texan quotes… why do they always use the word ain’t?!)
Here’s today’s:

Here’s what I read: Chin up, muggle. There’s more than one way to be magic.
There’s always more than one way. But magic has go to the be the goal, don’t you think? Magic in some sense of the word, anyway.
Seth and I just got back from a rather magical vacation over the long weekend. I wrote two partial posts in the airport and got another mostly pounded out on Tuesday night. Lots of stuff to say, but when it’s not right, it’s not right. So Glinda the Good Witch and my friend Melissa, saying no without actually ever saying no, and the conundrum of commitment to the uncertainty of IVF are all presently on hold.
The spark will hit me when it’s time.
In the mean time, I’m a muggle with her chin up and tall shoes on. My head looks square, but my legs look great. Compromises.