I’m absolutely obsessive about paint colors. (No, I don’t expect that to surprise you.) And my master bedroom was, of course, no exception.
I agonized over the color. I had a vague idea of what I wanted (thank you, Pinterest!), but was scared out of my mind to actually pull the trigger. After considerable deliberation, I finally bought the paint during a Menard’s 11% off sale last spring. Then I got some lovely prints to match it from a local photographer at the Marshfield Mother’s Day art fair. I purchased new curtains and curtain rods and hung them. I sewed a duvet cover in cream and white to match (which took for-ev-er). And I even bought some little shelves at Ikea the last time I was in Minneapolis. But here we are, nearly one year later, and I only just now put the color up on the walls.
It was so scary!
But dang! Did it ever turn out nice!
Don’t you think???
The color is called “blue fjord,” not the best name ever, which is a bummer because, call me ridiculous, but the name of the color is incredibly important to me. (My living room is painted, you will not believe this, Ypsilanti skies! YPSILANTI! Of all the random cities! Ypsilanti! Too awesome!) I got a little nervous when Seth seemed pretty weirded out right off the bat and then I texted some friends a pictures and one of them said, and I quote, “Rachel. Are you painting it black??” and I could imagine her saying it with shock and it totally made me laugh.
It’s not black, not even dark gray, it dried a lovely shade of blue and I couldn’t be more thrilled with it.
After having a couple days to let it sink in, Seth declared last night that it looked very “adult.” I’m glad he likes his big boy room 😉
And because I’m very grown up and adult, I couldn’t complete the look without hanging these beautiful Albus Dumbledore quotations!

I’m still jonesing for some new, adult-style furniture, but Curly’s knee is our priority (and Uncle Sam insisted on being priority #2– a hole) so that’ll have to wait. E-ven-tu-al-ly. I’m cool with baby steps.
***Just in case you didn’t already know, Ypsilanti is the name of the town I hail from. It’s in southern Michigan, just a few miles north of Ohio and west of Detroit. The Y is pronounced like an I and you can call it Ypsi for short. Oh, Y-town, how I love thee!
Seth is right! This is very adult! AND Gorgeous!! I can’t wait to have an adult bedroom! I daydream about it while doing experiments. PLUS, those Albus Dumbledore quotations are absolutely b-e-a-u-tiful! I am now searching the internet for both inspiration on adult bedrooms and harry potter memorabilia.
Rachel, you’re right! It dried a beautiful shade of blue AND the artwork looks a-maz-ing! Job well done, friend 🙂
Miranda wanted me to comment, because 5 months after finding out she was going to be a girl and 3 months after I bought her bedding…I finally bought the paint for her room!! It is going to be 2shades of purple. 🙂
Awesome! I also just painted my room a deep, dark color! Purple!!!
also, I totally stumbled across behr’s “Grand Rapids” when I was looking for the perfect teal. Sadly “Grand Rapids” had a little more green than I wanted, but i grabbed the paint chip anyway!
Looks great Rachel! Ypsilanti is also famous for its water tower. Just google it 😉
I LOVE it! Alex and I are moving and I have been contemplating a bedroom (and living room) color as well. But I am SO non-commital. I especially love the Dumbledore quotes. Half of my Etsy favorites are Harry Potter room decor, as I was secretly planning to make Miles nursery Harry Potter themed in the beginning. Does Seth love Harry Potter as much as you? I can’t convince Alex to read them…