Have you ever felt like you had so many things to do that you all you could do was nothing?
Of course you have. Who hasn’t?
I kind of feel like that right now, except not about things to do (well, kind of about that too, but that’s not the point ), but about things to say…
I am BURSTING right now with things to tell you! Bursting to the point that none of the words want to wait their turn! And those impatient words are trying so desperately to get all over my screen that it’s turning into the crab in the bucket phenomenon and I am paralyzed.
Since nothing else is working, I’m going to let the words come and see where we go. (Out of the bucket, you crabs!!)
First, not posting yesterday nearly destroyed me. I worked late (unnecessarily so, more on that another day), did lots of stuffs around the house and yard, made some phone calls and emailed some friends, canned 5 quarts of homemade enchilada sauce (you should seriously invite yourself over to my very homely home for enchiladas sometime– it’s good stuff!), and then finally sat down with my computer (at something ridiculous like 11:30 pm– I am nearing 30, this is WAY past my bedtime) with the intent to pound out a crappy post and put it out there just so that I didn’t break my own arbitrary rules about posting Monday through Thursday.
Let me say that again: I planned to pound out a crappy post just to say that I posted, because it was Wednesday. And I told you I would post on Wednesdays. Lame.
Are you offended? You should be, dear reader! You deserve much better from me! My (almost) apologies for the crappy thing that (almost) happened.
Anyway, some of the many, many things I am dying to discuss with you…
After posting about the 23 Things, I keep seeing examples of these ideas at play in my life– over and over and over again– and I’m pretty excited to tell you about them. Nothing more satisfying than supporting evidence! (Except chocolate. I would gladly accept chocolate in lieu of evidence.) I’m also excited to tell you a story about stories and to share with you some of the information from my “Personal Interest” folder…

Finally, I am super excited to announce a little series I am going to call “Profiles in Awesome.” I know a lot of really, really awesome people (not to be sexist, but women especially) that have eaten too much humble pie and I think I need to tell you about them. But most importantly, I want them to tell you (and the whole world!!) about themselves, so I’m going to do interviews! I can’t wait!! (Of course, I am making a lot of assumptions here… and really just hoping that people will answer my interview questions. I think they will. I can be persuasive. And I will guilt trip you (MS) if you try to tell me no. Guilt always works. Guilt and jalapeno poppers. And maybe a promise of relative-anonymity. Anyway, I’m determined to make this work!)
And while you’re here– please throw a Happy Birthday shout out into the universe for my SASsy friend!!
Rachel, your readers should know that you asked for, and received, your first file cabinet when you were 8 years old. Your quest to fill it with lovely file folders full of interesting, fascinating, and distinguishing artifacts and wonders began. They may also be interested in the fact that Abby decided she had to have one, too. (There is nothing like having the largest gift under the Christmas tree!) Abby’s file cabinet fit a lot of lotion, nail polish, loose change, photos and other treasures that needed to be cleaned off her desk. She didn’t ever feel the magic, nor did she make the mistake of duplicating your gift wish list again 🙂
Awesome folder! Can’t wait to read all the stuff you have to tell us, and your new series sounds like a lot of fun!
Literally can’t wait to hear! Although I could probably just look at MY folder and get a good idea- ha!