It’s December 31st, 2013. I just got home from Appleton. We picked up my pup from her third surgery on the same knee. Here’s hoping that this won’t be the third failed surgery.
And that’s pretty much how 2013 has been. Except… EXCEPT! I started Under the Tapestry. And that has made all the difference! Because each time we chat, I’m reminded that for every dark cloud, there is a silver lining, and that each and every tangled thread I see is part of a much bigger and more lovely picture.
For example:
In 2013, I crapped my pants. Twice. We’ve been over this. My stomach was a MESS. A terrible, horrible mess. And I went through a lot of scoping and the like to be diagnosed as cra-a-a-a-zy lactose intolerant. But in the process, I was saved from a pretty much certain fate of colon cancer. So boom– turns out that was pretty awesome!
If that’s not enough to make me believe in silver linings and blessings in disguise, what could?!
For that reason, and many others, I am truly grateful for all the good, and especially the bad, that has happened in 2013. Of course, I wouldn’t mind a lesson or two less in 2014, but I’ll take it as it comes. After all, the bad often comes with a funny story to share and knowing it’s good blog material makes it much more bearable!
Best wishes to you and yours in the coming year, friends!
PS: Tonight, Seth and I are wearing comfies, snuggling our pup, watching tv, eating chips, and struggling to stay up until midnight. Perfection.
Yikes! I hope your dog is doing better! Here’s to a healthy 2014, for you and for her!
Thanks! Health is a very worthy goal for both Curly and me in 2014!!!
Happy New Year sweetie! When I’m 100 and you turn 70 you will still be my baby.
I look forward to those birthdays, for sure!!!!
Poor Curly!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a real recovery this time.
Thanks, Adriane! She’s bored out of her mind– she’s been restricted since October 16th! As soon as she gets better, we’ll have to arrange a play date for she and Pika (one of the two small dogs she’s not terrified of).
Happy 2014 Rachel- here’s to healthy pups and poop-free runs! So glad you started UTT! I love it!
Totally read UTT as UTI and I was very confused for a minute! I’ll work on a poop AND UTI-free 2014, thankyouverymuch 🙂